Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tax class is awesome

I just remembered I have a blog.
I have no idea what my tax professor is talking about.
I love tax class.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ode to the Mother of my Children

Since yesterday was Mother's Day, I spent some time thinking about mothers. Two mothers specifically. One was my own dear mother, of course, who is an angel. The other, is the mother of my children. She isn't just an angel herself, she has given birth to two angels, and is currently carrying a third. Unfortunately, although I come from angelic ancestry, I do not feel I can honestly claim responsibility for the angelness of my own daughters. For that, I have my lovely wife to thank. She is a sweetheart and I care for her dearly. She makes me very happy and I look forward to the many years ahead of us. She is a wonderful person and a wonderful wife.
Oh, and she puts up with the wild part of the children that I contributed. I cannot thank her enough for that.

On a side note, I also learned how to do a back-flip on a trampoline yesterday, and I started learning how to do a back-flip on solid ground.
In all my years of trampolining, I had never attempted a back-flip; however, that is no longer the case. I have gracefully entered the ranks of back-flipdom. (Well, maybe not gracefully, but nonetheless, I did it.)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another one

I'm having a baby girl. Yep, another one. That will make three. I'll admit it; I had hoped for a son. But that's ok. My wife asked me if I was going to be mad, but my only response was "Do you mean mad like angry, or mad like crazy?" Of course, I'm already a little crazy, so I probably won't change much. I heard growing up that girls are different than boys. That is such an understatement. But, I'm thrilled. I love the two girls I have now and I'll be happy to have another. At least till I have three teenage girls. Then I'll definitely be crazy.

Yes, I'm supposed to be studying for my Business Associations final right now, and no, I won't start again for another 20 minutes. Or maybe 30. Of course, Perry Mason is on in 10 minutes... I might start studying again tomorrow morning.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Over the hill

Well, my bi-yearly blog post came early. I'm now over half way done with law school. Part of me is feeling like there is light at the end of the tunnel, and the other part is seeing the ominous creature (a.k.a. life) at the end of the tunnel and wants to run the opposite direction. Screaming. And pulling my hair out.
Yes, law school is a beast, but life after school doesn't exactly look the best either. I guess they've both got their pros and cons.
For example:

Life after law school:
Pros: no more living off debt, actually having a job, earning money, no more useless assignments for ILMR/Moot Court/Negotiations class, etc.,
Cons: no more 3 week Christmas vacations; I'll have to report to a boss; I'll have to actually get up and out of bed on time; I'll have to hang out with a bunch of people that think they are really smart, and I have to play along too

Life during law school:
Pros: I can be a slacker and enjoy it; occasional free food; occasional fun activities; I get to hang out with a bunch of smart people and pretend like I'm one of them; I get to hang out with some really hilarious people that actually bring a little bit of my life back that the law school is desperately trying to drain away
Cons: finals; debt; really, I can't be a slacker because I fall behind in my reading and I then have no idea what's going on in class, and then I have to just work that much harder before the finals and even then I still don't know what's going on; I have to do finals; debt; I will have to do a substantial writing paper (by substantial writing, I mean that I have to write a paper that will take a substantially large amount of my time, sanity, and well-being, just to graduate from law school; as if they hadn't taken enough from me); and finals; and debt

So anyways, I suppose I'll have to finish off whatever green grass this side of the fence has to offer me before I get thrown into real life, where whatever green grass exists over there is interspersed with cow doo-doo.

In other news: I love being a husband and father. In fact, I'm glad to say that my family will probably be my one constant source of happiness and light through the turbulent times of law school/finding a job/keeping a job/rest of life.
Bless them for all they do.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's been a long time

I haven't cared enough to update this thing. Hopefully I'll change that. We'll see.
Anyways, I took this test:

I am nerdier than 48% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

You can take it too.

Monday, October 1, 2007

some celebrity look-alike thing

Well, I tried the celebrity lookalike thing on
Here are the results:
I can't get this to work.
Apparently, some software for photo recognition something or other thinks I look like Richard Gere.
Looks like somebody needs to go back to programming school.
Oh well.